Refinishing Tile Is the Most Transformative Fix for a Dated Bathroom
Watch as your pink tub, sink, and tiles turn crisp, bright white…like magic. Refinishing Tile is Magic !!!
When you’re “blessed” with a colorfully tiled bathroom right out of the 1950s (peach? teal? faded yellow?), only two paths forward readily present themselves: Deal with it, or renovate. But a third option—reglazing tile, tubs, and sinks—has crept onto our radar, a fix that requires neither the time nor cost of a gut renovation yet can be nearly as transformative. Maybe you’ve heard of it by another name: Reglazing is also called resurfacing, refinishing, or even painting (though the last isn’t accurate), depending on whom you’re talking to. But the process is the same: A professional will come to your home and, after a deep cleaning of the bathroom in question, spray a very thin, opaque, gleaming coat of enamel across the tile, sink, tub, or all of the above—wholly transforming the room in a matter of hours. Read more